This was the first hike into the Paria Canyon-Vermilion Cliffs Wilderness Area. It was a location that I really wanted to explore. Web articles write of different types of sandstone formations. Some of lattice type formations of crisscrossing thin sheets of sandstone, there are these irregular layering that is visible on slops, and then these brain mounds of sandstone. This particular location is up a draw on the side of a slope. It isn’t visible from the valley base unless you look really hard. It is easily found off of the AllTrail Edmaier’s Secret recorded trail. This particular formation is a linear outcropping of lattice style sandstone that I captured from the higher ground end. This image is a cropped photo from a landscape layout downsized. Since this shot was dealing with the harness of the afternoon light, the photo unfortunately had some dark shadows, that I would have preferred weren’t there. The extracted color theme revealed asymmetric brown tones with only the shadow brown tones as over saturated. These asymmetric tones were mostly linear with three close to each other. PhotoPills wasn’t used, because I wasn’t sure where this image was and was unable to determine the composition till I actually found this formation.