During this early morning blue hour period the dominate East side mound can be found gaining some of the first morning light of golden hour, while the foreground still retains a bit of the blue cast. This is series of 8 images with an exposure range of 3.2 to 1.3 seconds with a -7/10 exposure bias as calculated by my Sony A7RIII. This is one of the composition that was illustrated in The Wave.info webpage on the White Pocket. However my composition differs and doesn’t include other mounds. While a slight cloud cast recked my Milky Way image the night before, of the lingering clouds were reflecting a nice salmon tone. Depending on the month of the year and some clouds to both diffuse and bounce the early morning light; a photographer can get lucky as golden hours ebbs in will add some nice soft light on the peak of this particular mound. Since this was blue hour, I expected tints of blue would be part of the dominate color theme, as revealed below in the extract color theme. It is interesting how this changes during the transition between blue and golden hours. The extracted theme from this image shows that the blue tones are mostly analogous and not overly saturated. The rust tone (#8C5230) isn’t a true complementary tone, but is nicely saturated. Google Earth and Maps was used to recon this photo using information from the above referenced White Pocket webpage. PhotoPills was used to frame this composition. Luck prevailed with the residue clouds allowing the diffused reflected light to lighten the top of the mound.